The National Academy of Sciences Engages GRIIDC

GRP Program Areas. Photo credit: National Academies of Sciences.
GRIIDC is happy to announce a new partnership with the National Academy of Sciences!
The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine – Gulf Research Program (GRP) has engaged GRIIDC to provide data management and repository services. This partnership is a natural fit as GRIIDC has been managing Gulf of Mexico data for the last 10 years, refining the system along the way with the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative.
GRP Program
The Gulf Research Program is “an independent, science-based program dedicated to enhancing offshore energy safety, environmental protection and stewardship, and human health and community resilience in the Gulf of Mexico and other U.S. coastal regions.” The GRP was formed in 2013 after the Deepwater Horizon disaster, the result of a legal settlement that required the GRP to conduct research and projects to advance and use science, engineering and public health data to better understand the Gulf of Mexico ecosystems as well as to help Gulf communities better prepare, mitigate and recover from future environmental disasters.
GRIIDC Services
GRIIDC will offer data management and curation services to GRP such as dataset planning, dataset package review (including metadata validation and quality checks), discoverability (including exposure through DataOne and Google Dataset Search) and providing Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) for datasets.
New Features
GRIIDC will develop a GRP subsite, which displays only GRP related datasets, research groups, and researchers. GRIIDC is also developing enhanced Research Group pages that relate researchers, datasets, and publications. New features developed for GRP will be incorporated in the main GRIIDC system.
GRP Data
The GRP group has a wide range of interesting data they plan to submit to GRIIDC. Some of the data topics include:
• Healthy Ecosystems will focus on understanding ecosystem processes and dynamics to determine environmental impacts and how to mitigate environmental changes.
• Safer Offshore Energy Systems will involve projects and activities that identify risk-management approaches in order to prevent oil spills, hazards to human life, and toxic exposures involved in offshore operations.
• Thriving Communities will include projects that help coastal communities prepare for, respond to and adapt to climate change impacts, environmental stressors and natural disasters.
• Understanding Gulf Ocean Systems projects will help researchers better understand the physical, biological and chemical process of the loop current in the Gulf of Mexico.
GRIIDC will offer GRP researchers and staff training via webinars to familiarize them with GRIIDC’s processes and how to submit their data to our system.
We look forward to working with our new partners, and we encourage other research groups and individuals to reach out to us to explore the kinds of data services we can offer them!